Not much happened the second half of last week, other than the sheetrockers showing up periodically to put another layer of mud on the walls and ceiling. On Saturday Simon Esmond put in the upper cabinets before the walls were textured, which will make it a little complicated later on for me to primer and paint around them. The sheetrockers showed up last night and worked from 8-10 (!!!) and Signe slept in her brother's room since they were prepping her room the texture the ceiling. Inconvenient timing, but I am VERY thankful to finally get her beat up ceiling finished. It was the one room where the previous owners scraped off the old popcorn ceiling but never re-textured it, and it looked pretty dinged up. They are also fixing two huge lines of bumps on the stairwell that always bothered me, where the old Sheetrock slabs came together. I didn't even have to ask about that one; it bothered Larry and Jeff too so they offered to add that in.
And yesterday they started installing our new floor, and they finished that up today at noon! Jerome was over to keep Karsten entertained all afternoon since I didn't have class.