Saturday, May 19, 2018

Missoula Grand Slam tourney

Gunnar did not start the 10:00 game, but said he was feeling pretty good by the time he entered in the 4th. He hit an RBI double in the second game, although we lost 7-9 (and 2-6 in the first). Both beatable teams; we missed Cam's bat for sure. But by this evening Guns had a small headache again, so he sat out the end - but since we won 22-6 he could be spared.

Gunnar is not a flashy player, but he is one of most solidly consistent kids on defense, and going in to this game he had the highest batting average on the team at .419. That will drop a bit since he was only 1-5 today, with 3 walks (certainly not his best day, but not bad considering he was wiped out last night). It is fun to watch him at bat. He rarely strikes out and almost always walks or puts the ball in play: in 48 at bats for the Generals travel team, he only has 5 Ks.

And I should really know better: even on a windy cloudy day with a sweatshirt and coat on (and gloves at one point because my hands were shivering from cold while writing in the scorebook), our faces got very sunburned. We are a family of bright red cheery faces, for sure.