I took some pictures of Tikki this morning, because she has her final vet appointment in about an hour. I can't count the number of fatty lipoma lumps that have been growing all over her body for years, and while benign they have started to take their toll. An especially large one is under her neck, a ponderous one hangs from her belly like an udder, but the real problem is the enormous growth that encapsulates her rear right leg. It is several times the size of her other leg, and in the last couple months finally began to cause problems. Her rear leg often gives out and she collapses, she sometimes has a hard time time getting her legs under her to get up, and she can't squat well to go to the bathroom but has developed a kind of "walking while pooping" method. She has had labored breathing spells for years, but particularly when it is hot out, and the immediate forecast is scorching. Happily she has found a cool comfortable den lately in the storage room off of the downstairs laundry room.
Nick did not really want to put her down yet, because her personality is very much herself (just greatly slowed down from her frisbee-obsessed younger years), although she is hard of hearing. And I have noticed more trembles and facial ticks lately. Her time is short, although it has seemed that way for years now: two years ago I bet Nick she wouldn't make it to last summer; I was certainly wrong! But she is at the point where it doesn't seem wise to leave her alone for a week while we head to Hood River, even if the downstairs stays fairly cool and my brother looks in on her.
She has, undoubtedly, had a good long happy life beyond what most labs live (almost made it to 15!). I heard Signe awhile ago sobbing in her bedroom. I kind of wanted to take her to the vet with Nick this morning, but the kids have their last day of swim lessons at the same time. And as Nick said, "She started with me. She'll end with me."
RIP Tikki 2000-2015