Friday, June 5, 2015

First day of baseball practice

Since Signe and Gunnar are currently 8 and 9 they can play on the same Parks & Rec team. A couple months ago Gunnar was very sad to learn that he couldn't play Cal Ripken with a bunch of his 2nd grade classmates because he missed the May 1st cutoff by 2 weeks, so Parks & Rec it is. Daddy tried to see if the kids could have another coach for the first time, but as usual the call went out for more coaches so Nick is back at it.
Signe and Gunnar compared their feet to see which one would get the size 2 or size 3 cleats, and their feet appear to be exactly the same size! Gunnar is catching up to his sister in height pretty quickly too, and she isn't very happy about it.