Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A picture of the entire Holloway Family.

Zane's nick-names.

Zane has managed to gain several nick-names in his short 9 months of life.  They are as follows...

"Baby Zane" - The reasons for this are obvious, but not so obvious is Abby's love of two syllable names.  Zane was just too short for her.

"B-Zay" - This one came about as a result of shortening the first nick-name, but also from a song I (Nick) made up that I sing to him while putting him to bed.  This is the name that he answers too most readily, as it is the most commonly used, even by the kids.  If you are going to call him anything besides Zane, then call him this as it will get his attention the fastest.  (that or dangle some toilet paper in front of his face... I'll explain that one next.)

"The T.P. Bandit" - One of Zane's favorite past times is to crawl into the bathroom and head straight to the toilet paper.  He pulls himself up next to it and proceeds to pull reams and reams of it from the roll.  If not stopped, he will also attempt to consume the T.P., as it seems to him that his parents don't feed him enough!

"The Cackler" - Early on, Zane did not laugh in the common way that most people do. No "ha-ha's" or "he-he's".  It was more of a cackling, choking, spitting, Hebrew-language type sound that came from the back of his throat.  We aren't worried about him choking because this sound is always accompanied by a big grin.  He seems to be slowly growing out of it as we hear more giggles and laughs, but the cackle will always be remembered.

Signe's chocolate uni-brow.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010