Monday, August 22, 2016

First day cuties

I don't usually get too emotional on the first day of school, but I did a little bit today because my baby starts preschool! This is the one and only year they will all be in the elementary together, as next year Signe moves on to the secondary. Today Signe starts 6th, Gunnar 4th, Zane 1st, and Karsten preschool.
Nick read to Karsten a note he had left in his pencil box last week.

First day of school fun.

First day of school fun...

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Hard workin' hubby

Nick took the boys out to cut wood today, and came back with a huge truckload of wood to keep me warm this winter. His t-shirt is headed for the trash, however; I am not going to even attempt to redeem it. 
Lucy was banished from the house upon return until I could bathe her, because she had discovered some delectable rotting animal flesh out in the woods to roll in. But for a dog who will climb in the bathtub to splash with the boys, she showed surprisingly stubborn resistance to getting a bath herself. I had to wrestle her into the tub.

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Signe turns 11!

We celebrated Signe's birthday in a big way on Monday at Bullwinkle's Family Fun Center in Wilsonville. It was a drizzly overcast day, which also meant no lines and 10 hours (!!!!) of fun. We mini-golfed, rode the zip line over and over, raced in the go-carts, battled enemies in Laser Tag three times, soaked Nick and Papa in the bumper boats, shot aliens in the 3D game booth, played arcade games, and rock-climbed. We also did several rounds at the batting cages, although Signe caught a ricochet off her bat on the chin and bled profusely from her lip. Thankfully she recovered her composure to continue her day.

So we hadn't made plans for today, but we sent out a last minute call to all the girls in her class to meet up at the pool and play together. They are having a blast right now, and I brought a cake for the kids to devour first. In attendance are her brothers and cousins Jerome and Greta, Lily Leidenfrost, Eleanor Evans, Xan Doane, and our neighbor Madison.

Signe's first day of Cross Country

Signe started off her birthday with her first practice run of the season, along with 6th grade classmates Eleanor Evans, Cora Johnson, and cousin Greta (who isn't in the pic). She really enjoyed it. I just hope that attitude continues once 6:30 am practices begin after school starts!