Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Gunnarism of the day

Yesterday Gunnar was tragically disappointed that it didn't work out to go play at Ransom's house after lunch. Never mind that he sees Ransom every morning in their kindergarten class, that the Sentzes temporarily live so close that I trust his 5-year-old self to walk there alone, and that he generally hangs out with Ransom at least 2 afternoons a week. No matter. He was still fighting back the tears, and wanted solitude to feel sorry for himself. Zane, of course, was having none of this leave-me-alone nonsense and he followed Gunnar to every nook and cranny his big brother tried to hide in. Zane remained stubbornly oblivious to Gunnar's whiny pleas to leave him alone. Finally Gunnar approached me in sobbing desperation,

"Mommy, Zane is ruining my loneliness!!!"

I had to suck in my cheeks and turn away to keep from laughing in the poor kid's face. That's the thing with having 3 siblings; there just isn't anywhere to go and relish a good bit of loneliness.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Asleep on momma, pre lunch.

Cute brothers

Hanging out on the couch, "reading" their books. Karsten has Donald Duck and says "Quack Quack!" as he turns every page.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A distant relative of mine, Fran Findlay-Sandiford, posted the following picture on Facebook of my older relatives. Fran is the granddaughter of the Thelma Belle Johnston, my great Aunt (third from left in this picture).

Picture from left to right, Alma (last name?), Great Uncle Boyd Holloway, Thelma Belle Johnston on her 90th birthday (today April 4th, 1903!), and my Grandpa G.E. "Happy" Holloway.

I miss all of them very much, especially Grandpa Hap, who smelled of whiskey and sawdust, and always had a few crumbs of wood from some carpentry project in his thin hair. And I miss my Great Uncle Boyd's mischievousness  (As if you can't tell he has this characteristic from the grin in this picture.)

Monday, April 1, 2013