Sunday, February 14, 2016

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Saturday, February 6, 2016


While Nick was talking to our neighbor Bill this afternoon by the fence Lucy explored his backyard, and found an enticing pile left by our large visitors a couple days ago. A couple hours later she proceeded to vomit a large pile of moose poop onto the living room floor. The smell combination was odorous, as you can imagine, and like a coward I fled to the back bedroom to let Nick deal with it.
This poor puppy obviously does not feel well. Hopefully she learned her lesson, and will be more discerning with her future culinary choices.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Please go away and stop drinking out of my canoe. That stuff will make you go blind.

More moose pics

One got temporarily stuck in the corner of our driveway while trying to figure out how to reach his buddy. If our gate had been open I'm sure they would be lounging in our backyard, because now they are laying down and making themselves quite at home in my neighbor's backyard.

Moose visitors

Two yearlings are hanging out in our culdesac this morning, chomping on the vegetation and eating snow from the cover of Nick's mustang. I immediately called in Lucy from frolicking in the snow (she loves it), and now she is barking frantically to get back outside. I would rather her not have any run-ins with a moose, however. Even a little one.