Sunday, October 23, 2011

Zane filling his shorts...

... In the middle of the cereal aisle at Winco. We knew when he started to try to hide from us.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A fruitful week

The past 7 days has been one of the busiest and most bursting-with-blessings weeks we have experienced since Karsten made his grand entrance. Last week Nick completed his final Saturday officiating elementary football games all day, while I braved the local harvest festival alone with the 4 kids. We enjoyed the carnival activities, face painting, and hay ride, although I did have to climb into the bouncy house to drag Zane out. He had (erroneously) decided he wasn't going anywhere. Gunnar wrapped up his first season of micro soccer, where he scored so many goals a game that we soon lost count. Uncle Rob did a great job coaching and helping Gunnar attempt crazy skills, like passing the ball to someone else for a change. Both of the older kids practiced making beautiful music in Scola Cantorum ("singing school"), and Signe continued with her ballet lessons.

Karsten was blessed with a shower on Tuesday. He obligingly smiled, cooed, and nodded off as he was admired and passed around the room. We received some lovely new clothes in sizes that Gunnar and Zane have worn through pretty well, and a generous cash envelope. I look forward to purchasing a handsome new diaper bag that will no longer be embarrassing! This morning Signe and I attended a baby shower for "Aunt" Cat Sentz, who is expecting her first child at Christmas. We are happy to be adding a new girl to the boy-dominated cousin clan. And last night was another baby shower celebration, as we formally welcomed Thaddeus Schoolland to our community. He was adopted a few weeks ago by good friends of ours who have waited many years to become parents. They underwent a heart-wrenching roller coaster ride last month after the birth mom changed her mind and decided to have her son adopted locally (Indiana), which left Joseph and Sarah numb and preparing for a lonely flight home. But hundreds were praying and God is faithful. The birth mom's heart was turned again, and several days later Thaddeus was in their arms.

On Wednesday, Signe had her first speech meet at Logos. First graders can choose from two categories, Bible or poetry, and Signe learned the poem by Cecil Francis Alexander that begins "All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small...". I had forgotten that those words had been stenciled on the ceiling of her bedroom in our house in Woodburn until my mom reminded me; how appropriate! I hope she also grows up to love the wonderful James Herriot books with those titles.

Anyway, Signe was THRILLED and absolutely giddy with excitement to find out Thursday that she got a blue ribbon. It is only given to the top 2 kids in each category, in her class. She now will attend a multi-school meet in Spokane on Friday, November 4th, and this is apparently a "very big deal". She certainly has a flair for the dramatic, and can hardly wait for another chance to perform. I hope we can video record her practicing her poem soon and post a link on the blog.

Right now Karsten is napping, the kids are riding bikes in the driveway, and Nick is playing soccer with Gunnar. I can barely keep my eyes open, and may take a quick catnap before dinner. Life is full, but full of many great things.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Signe has an admirer, Karsten gets showered.

When I got home from work today, Signe had an interesting story to tell me, in as much as first-graders tell stories.    

Picture a smiling little girl saying the following to her daddy.  "There is a boy in the other first grade class who likes me and he kissed me.  Eleanor and Shea told the teacher.  He got in trouble."  

Now imagine the slightly shocked (but inwardly happy that his daughter is telling him) daddy saying, "Where did he kiss you?" 

Pleasantly oblivious little-girl, "On the cheek."

Slightly relieved, but still a bit concerned daddy, "And what was this boy's name?  Did he get in trouble?"

Innocently answering little-girl, "Angus... Yes. Shea told Eleanor and Eleanor told the teacher.  Angus got his name on the board."

Says daddy-who-will-be-following-up-on-this, "Was that okay for him to do?"

Happy and unconcerned little-girl, "No, it wasn't."

Even-more-relieved daddy, "So what boys are allowed to kiss you?"

Laughing little-girl, "Daddy and my brothers!"

I imagine I'm not doing it justice here, but the long and the short of it is that another first-grade boy kissed her on the cheek.  She seemed somewhat pleased by the attention but understood that it wasn't right.  We talked again about how Daddy is her man until she gets married.  We discussed it a bit more but that's just for Signe and I.

I hope and pray that Signe will continue to be so forthright with Abby and I.  

Abby's at a baby shower for Karsten tonight, Signe went with her, and I'm home with Zane and Gunnar, thanking God for His goodness, little boys who push you in a good way, little girls who love their daddies, and a wife with great discernment.