Tuesday, April 30, 2019

More History Trip Pics

A chaperone on the trip, Natalie Doane, took these photos of the 8th graders (including Signe during the traditional snowball fight at Lolo Pass). Signe had a fantastic time, although she was exhausted when they got home. But it sounds like it was also a good time for class bonding - most of the 8th graders went together to see the Marvel "Endgame" movie on Sunday afternoon.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Another tournament win

Whew! It wasn't named the Frostbite tournament for nothing - the 11U Generals played 6 games in two days up in the bitter biting wind in Hayden to come out the top of 9 teams. It was a marathon for sure. Gunnar pitched a few great innings, and had a dramatic pickoff from catcher to 3rd that completely caught the runner off guard (and almost our 3rd baseman as well). It's a good thing all the parents love their boys and baseball, because we about froze solid while cheering them on.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

History trip

Here are some photos a mom took on the trip, plus some less-quality shots Signe texted us from her cheap phone that shows the interior of the Cataldo Mission and at the Crystal Gold Mine.

8th Grade History Trip

Signe was super excited to get up early this morning and head out for her 2-night, 3-day trip with her classmates to travel throughout northern Idaho and western Montana. She's been busy texting pics to Nick and I from her phone, including the Cataldo Mission (Idaho's first Catholic mission, I believe) east of Couer d'Alene.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Flooding on April 9th

Last Tuesday brought heavy rains and sudden unexpected flooding in Pullman and Moscow, including a flash flood river rushing down one of the main streets of Pullman. I picked up Gunnar and Ransom from lacrosse practice at Logos, and it took us about a half hour to get back across town. Within a couple of hours of my taking the 4th pic by the ball fields, the usually empty overfill channel by Mountain View seen in the picture rose to cover Joseph St.
The boys thought the drive home through water was quite exciting. They enjoyed watching silly college boys "swim" shirtless in a neighborhood park, and I kept my eye on a log floating towards us as we sat in a channel with water halfway up the Tahoe's wheels.
The high water mark passed the record set in the 1996 floods here.

Tournament Champs!

Gunnar's 11U team won their first tournament this weekend down in Clarkston. The Generals looked terrible on Friday night as they racked up 7 errors and were 10-runned early. But they bounced back from that dismal performance to look sharp and win the next three games. In the championship game they defeated the Lewiston Bombers, who beat us Friday, with a score of 8-1.
Nana and Papa were visiting this weekend to see the girl's dance recital, and they braved the cold drizzles to watch the final game.
It is a slushy snowy mixture falling from the sky on our drive home - winter has yet to give up the fight in Northern Idaho!

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Signe’s last dance recital

Although she has been doing Irish Step for years, Signe is opting to drop it next year to avoid being too busy her freshman year of high school. So tonight was the grand finale for her dance career.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The Three Princes

Zane's third grade play was yesterday. Zane was the middle prince, who was very proud of his strength (we padded his biceps a bit for his on-stage flexing). His "brother" princes were Hewson Spencer and Henry Driskill.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

New beginnings

After years of eager anticipation, Signe finally got braces today! She is still losing baby teeth, so it took longer than usual for her mouth to be ready for the changes. And we also delayed a few months so she wouldn't have to deal with the lispy slobber during the play.