Friday, May 16, 2014

The Big 7!!

Goofy Gunnar enjoys the flavor "Spider Man 2" on the way home from school as a birthday treat.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Tower Builder

I took the boys over to the Palouse Discovery Museum this morning to get us out of the house on a rainy day. I still marvel at how easy this is with my youngest approaching age 3; with no sweet nursing baby or toddler stuffing everything in his mouth, I can actually sit and relax!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Grandpa, Grandma, and Signe after her recital.

Goes well with pics of Edward Charles Holloway, Signe's great, great Grandfather. You can see the resemblance between Edward Charles Holloway and his grandson, Ronald Archie Holloway, Signe's Grandpa.

Grandpa and Great-Grandpa in the driver's seat.

Edward Charles Holloway, my great-grandfather.

Father to my Grandfather, G.E. "Hap" Holloway

Abby says I bear a strong resemblance to him when I was in my late teens/early twenties (i.e. When I had hair!)

That's him too in the drivers seat if the 1914 Model A.

A couple of gunslingers

My little guys find a creative way to carry their big weapons. (Mom, you should forward this to Joe and Marlene so he can see his handiwork in action).